In the beginning
As a child growing up, my grandparents gardened and raised chickens. My grandmother was from the deep southern state of Alabama where she was raised on a cotton farm. She spent long days picking cotton for her father.
It wasn’t until my former mother-in-law started a flower garden for me, that sparked the desire to learn more about how to nurture and care for plants.
Shortly after, I got a few raised garden beds where I grew some greens, tomatoes, squash, and herbs.
I began to reconnect with nature on a deeper level, and develop a spiritual connection to Mother Earth.
I found meditation in gardening, and even started to volunteer at a local botanical garden and nature preserve.
This completely changed my perspective on what it is we are here to do, in this lifetime and in this human form while we are here on this planet.
Caring for ourselves, each other, and the planet is the real work we are here to do.
In a culture that has us divided, and limits our potential to expand into higher levels of consciousness, we have lost our connection to the spirit of nature.
I hope to inspire others to remember that we are not separate from nature, but a part of it.
When we return to nature, we feel at home.
Sending love,